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Thursday, 26 November 2009

Living the dream

I am now at university and I thought it was about time I updated my blog! So, not that I have remembered my login details, I thought I'd fill you all in on what I've been up to! I'm doing a degree in Outdoor Leadership, which basically involves sitting in lectures 90% of the time and making notes and then wring essays or doing an exam. The lectures are fairly fun most of the time! The other 10% of the time we spend outside, kayaking, canoeing, climbing, navigating, walking, gorge walking or mountain biking! It's so much fun and I've made some awesome new friends! This does mean however, that I am really busy and so probably won't be making many new wallets or clothes for my shop :( But fear not, I still have some for sale :D
So, what follows is some random photos from the last few weeks of my life!

Walking up a mountain as the weather was turning, and it was getting dark!

Uni work drives me up the walls!

Being in the library is always productive!

Night hike

(Yes I am climbing at night in my PJ's!)

Extreme twister on a bridge! (for a uni presentation!)

Wake boarding

Some of my friends that I met in the first week :)

Well that is enough photos for now! Sorry it's been so long, and it will probably be a while before I post again! Have fun peeps xx

1 comment(s):

aidam said...

lovely blog ! enjoy !

crazy tees