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Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Slash/Slash Nottingham

What are you doing Saturday 2nd May? I'm going to be having a stall at the Slash/Slash event in Nottingham!

The event is on from 12 noon until 6pm, at the Rescue rooms, Masonic Place, Goldsmith Street in Nottingham. Entry is FREE! I will be there, with my duct tape wallets and bags, and even little Wally will be there to give me a hand!! I will also (hopefully!) have my new hula hoops making their debut appearance!! Get yourself there :)
Check out the Slash/Slash event on their facebook page 

4 comment(s):

behindtheshoes said...

Yay I can't wait to join you and help at the event !!!

mollbird said...

How did it go?

moll x

KMCdesigns said...

It went really well thanks Moll :) x

kitschnkarma said...

glad to see you doing well - blog looks fab!